Proactol LTD


Fat Burner - Your Quick Solution to Obesity

It’s a fact, fast food more or less has taken the world by storm, and people crave madly for it. The food looks tempting, has enjoyable tastes (thanks to the added flavors), and yes they are the root cause for increasing obesity, not only in young people, infact in all age groups. This happens because the food is much richer in fat than anything else. Having fast food every time, just add increased fat to their daily calorie count, unperturbed by the fact that this fat is depositing in their body tissues and making nothing more than obese.

What is the solution to obesity?

We can only look forward to find the solution to obesity only if we first find and understand the root cause of the problem, solution to obesity can only be found, if you understand that fast food is something that is making you obese, with its every bite you cherish. obesity is a process that takes a long time to happen, you do not become obese suddenly, the process takes a lot of time, and you always have a solution out of this problem.

So what is the quick solution to obesity?

Yes, that’s a question everybody asked us, what can be the quickest solution to obesity, but may we ask why “quick” people put in an extra effort chomping that bulk of fast-food and take so long to put on weight to call themselves as obese, but why when it comes to losing weight that people look for shortcuts?, maybe they wann get out of this fatty mask as soon as possible. But today we have a real quick solution to obesity, “Fat Burner”. It will help you get rid of obesity 

as quick as possible, completely safe and tested numerous times again and again.

Here you can access to rave reviews about top natural weight loss pills



Organic Food! The Way to Healthier Lifestyle or Just the Latest Trend?

Today the science is more and more advanced and it is not a secret that this influences the food we eat! We need more information to make the right choice. We have to know how to find healthy food.

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In recent years in the bigger hypermarkets started to appear stands with the so called organic food – fruit and vegetables that are not so attractive in appearance, have shorter expiry date and prices that are double compared to the ones of all the other products of this type offered on the market. Of course the question that comes to mind is: Is it worth it to pay two or three times higher prices for products mass distributed in the trade network and what advantages do these bring us?


The term organic, eco or bio food indicates one and the same thing food that has been grown without gene engineering, pesticides, soil enriching chemicals and other synthetic substances that protect it either from insects or bad crop. This food is packed and stored in a way that does not intervene with its taste qualities. This is food that is absolutely clean in ecological sense the way food was long time ago before hormonal additives and gene engineering interfered.

A number of researches show that organic foods contain more minerals, vitamins and biologically active substances compared to products produced with the help of synthetic additives. This is important as through food (of plant or animal origin) the organism gets most of the nutrients it needs and the composition of food is determined mostly by the circumstances under which it has been produced.

Be careful in your choice of fruit or vegetable

In order to achieve longer expiry date period, improve the way the product looks or increase the profit generated from production stronger chemicals start to be used (to stimulate growth) as well as antibiotics (to prolong expiry date) and gene engineering (to grow food under conditions that are not natural for it). The bigger part of these substances after entering the organism lessen its defensive powers.

Medical research carried out in Europe and USA show that intensive use of synthetic substances leads to increase in the number of people suffering from cancer, diabetes and arthritis. If you add the influence of polluted air, water and the settled way of life the end result is pretty obvious but unfortunately unfavourable.

After all if you are still wondering how to lose fat and how to live healthier DON'T hesitate the organic food will help you.



The Most Appropriate Natural Juices When You Work Out

This is going to be a short article! Try to drink those natural juices before and after your work out to feel the effect through your body!

 Beetroot juices – for hardiness - increase the nitrates in the blood and reduce the amount of: phosphocreatine (increasing the amount of oxygen) and adenosine triphosphate. It is also rich in vitamin A, Vitamin B, vitamin C and minerals like calcium, iron, sulfur and phosphorus. 

 Sour cherry juice - against swelling and inflammation after exercise

 Black currant juice - reduces muscle strain. There is high content of vitamin C (antioxidant), potassium and GLA (rare Omega-6 essential fatty acid)

 Pickles juice – reduces the muscle cramps by restoring to normal the electrolytes and salt levels

 Studies show that after you drink the juice, it is observed that the levels of oxidative stress and injuries in the muscles are reduced.


Lose Fat Quickly - Start With The Breakfast To Improve Your Health

Every day we are bombarded with information about how to lose fat quickly and it is so hard to choose from where to start. The answer is easy – Start with your breakfast! With better breakfast you will have better day with more energy. This is going to help you to continue with the next step to lose fat.

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Start With Your Breakfast 

How to lose fat1. Improved energy levels - a quality breakfast can efficiently jumpstart your metabolic rate.

2. Improved LDL cholesterol - according to research by UK University, Nottingham University has revealed, avoiding breakfast can cause increased bad cholesterol levels due to unhealthy eating options for the whole day.

3. Enhance excess weight loss -a study by the National Weight Control Registry has discovered that eighty percent of individuals who lose thirty lbs or more ingest breakfast day.

4. Improved work behavior - make the decision to ingest breakfast each morning and you can benefit from better concentration, increased memory retention and increased problem-solving capabilities.



Few Things You Would Like To Know About How To Wipe Out Back Fat

You have to hear your body; you have to know what it really needs from you. I’m not talking about chocolate or alcohol, or even some kind of super diet. Just live normal, healthy life without going too far with anything.

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Our bodies decide where to retailer excess weight. In some, it stores with the mid area, others from the thighs and some during the in turn. The primary lead to of back fat is lack of physical exercise. Other causes will comprise of unhealthy diets, hormones and heredity. You possibly can also endure from some condition or select medicine which will cause you to obtain extra fat. The fats on your again are not able to only make you appear plump however it also impacts your posture. The one most important cause of back fat is consuming and lying to the sofa without doing exercises. Do not sit all day. Do some jogging as an alternative to watching Tv. This very little bit of motion can assistance tremendously in supporting you have

rid of back fat. In jogging, you usually shift your arms back and forth. The swinging will help the muscle to tense and relax generating you have rid of calorie consumption. Certainly one of the ways to reduce weight and shed extra body fat is by taking green tea. This tea increases metabolic process in your body and lowers your appetite for food. Tea is also acknowledged to present you considerably more vitality.

The other first-rate way of getting rid of back fat could well be to look at what you feed on. Steer clear of foods which are starchy and fatty as they contain a large number of calorie consumption. But, make certain that you take in a balanced diet program so that you can get the perfect vitamins obligatory in the body. Foodstuff should also be eaten in moderation. Piling of foodstuff will cause you to partake of further than required and you simply are most most likely heading to feed on much more starch. Fruit and veggies should preferably even be in your menu nearly always. They facilitate in digestion.


Bad Ways To Lose Excess Weight - Cigarettes, Purging, Working Out Too Much and Starving Yourself

Bad Ways To Lose Excess Weight - Cigarettes, Purging, Working Out Too Much and Starving Yourself


Tips for Losing Weight on Your Arms

A popular problem among women is that they have excess weight in the arms. I bet you have seen or you have this problem. You lift you hands and when you shake them they joggle like jelly. The problem with excess body weight is not bothering you but you can’t swallow the problem with your arms.

If you are girl, woman or even man with this kind of problem I hope that my quick tips will help you.

 You have to train your arms. A couple of exercises will help you. My advice is to concentrate on your triceps. This muscle is 2/3 of your arm muscles and it is bigger then your biceps. Actually you have to train both your biceps and triceps but you have to put more effort in training you triceps. When you start you arms exercises you have to begin with the triceps. At the beginning of your training you have more power and this will allow you to use more energy for the triceps exercises.

 If you are sitting all day in front of the computer or your work is in the office where you don’t have so much movement - you have to change that.

 The best way for 

you is to make quick arms stretching every hour or two, but if you have the opportunity you can tray to make stretching for you hole body. Don’t think about that like you have to stand up and start doing some silly exercises, just lift your hands and stretch them, make quick free stretching - left, right, up and down just enough to feel that your tiredness is gone.

Another thing is to move your chest forward and try to move back your arms and shoulders while you are sitting.

Those simple and fast exercises will allow your blood to circulate properly.I hope I helped you.


How To Properly Use Cardio To Burn Body Fat

Everybody does know about cardio. Some people know what it is, but some people think that they know but in fact they DON’T. Cardio or cardio exercises are well known for that they are responsible for losing body fat. If you want to lose fat quickly you can’t ignore the cardio. Interesting fact is that the word cardio means – heart.

Those exercises are making your heart to work harder. Your blood circulate faster and you body temperature is rising and you are going to lose fat. Yes but you it won’t start right now first your body will burn the energy form the food you ate, than the body is going to burn the fat and to gain energy for your exercises.

The best time to do cardio is in the morning on an empty stomach.

There are different types of cardio – cardio could be your working day (physical work), when the kids are playing on the yard, sprinting, jogging, combination of exercises that will lose fat and gain muscles at the same time and etc. When you do cardio your metabolism continues to work at high levels for several days after your work out. The essential here is that you have to do the exercises until you are exhausted. This will ensure that when you sleep and when you go to work your body continue to burn fat. You have to shock your body in way that it will need days to come back to normal rhythm.

You have to be careful, don not eat more calories than you burn, because many people do cardio without to strain and after that they eat one big meal. The result is – zero! Even worse they could gain weight instead of losing fat.


Four Natural Fat Burners - To Strengthen Your Diet

I bet you’re flooded by Ads of all those 100% natural pills, magical and etc. But if they are so many natural pills is there a natural food that can help us lose fat for less money. I’m sure you know the answer is – YES.

 So I will reveal to you four natural fat burners.


Green Tea – It is very popular and it can really help you lose fat. You have to drink it regularly to suppress your appetite and to help in fat loss. The green tea will increase your energy, vitality and will increase your metabolism. You have to be sure that your going to burn fat situated in the abdominal.

 Almonds - Consuming almonds will give you feeling of fullness. They are rich in proteins. Almonds are delicious and you can eat them as snack combined with low fat yogurt and of course you are going to lose body fat.

 Pears – There is survey in which women who ate tree pears every day consumed less calories than women which did not ate pears. Pears are rich in fiber and as you know this will give you the feeling of fullness. You can eat one pear before your main meals to feel less hungry.

 Grapefruit – Eating grapefruit every day can help you lose weight. It is rich in pectin that is known to burn fat. They contains a lot of vitamin C. You can consume the grapefruit with cinnamon to reduce the bitter taste without using sugar.


*You will not lose fat only with those natural fat burners; you have to add them in your diet.


Tree Places Where To Find Help For Your Weight Loss Program

Forums and clubs – online

Today is a lot easier to find information online. Few clicks, couple of sentences and your answers are coming. There a lot of forums where you can find people with your problems. May be they already found the answer and of course they will help you or you can read about their story.


Professional trainers and therapists

I’m sure there are available professional trainers in every city or gym. You have to find a trainer and ask him what to do. Most of them will give you professional advice and your progress will be a lot faster.


Dieting and weight loss books

Some people are searching for help the old-fashioned way. Books are always full of information. If you just starting to lose fat and you don’t know anything about that it will be harder for you to make significant progress. Not because there is not enough information in the books - the problem is that if you make a mistake the book won’t tell you that and even if you find the mistake by yourself it will be too late.

 Fat loss help is always needed. Do not hesitate to ask question this will help you to lose fat faster.


Here are 10 Tips for Low-Fat Shopping that will simplifying the process of choosing what to put into your shopping trolley -

I bet you always wonder what to buy when you are in the grocery. You need to lose fat quickly but you are not exactly sure what food you are allowed to eat. I hope this short list will help you for now:

  1. Fill your shopping trolley with fruit and vegetables first.
  2. Buy low-fat milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese and hard cheeses.
  3. Don't buy spreads (high in fat and sugar) - if you don't have them then you will not be tempted to eat them.
  4. Spend more time in the supermarket aisle with the pasta, rice, couscous and other grains and less time in the biscuit, confectionery and cake aisle.
  5. Buy tuna and other canned fish in water or brine rather than oil.
  6. Plan your meals around one or two main vegetables and let the meat portion fit in around them.
  7. Buy lots of interesting breads such as rolls, flatbreads, loaves, grainy-bread, wholemeal breads, rye breads, etc.
  8. Buy raisin bread instead of biscuits, crackers and cakes.
  9. If you need pastry, buy filo and brush with a minimum of oil.
  10. Read the label as manufacturers now say how much fat is in the food item. Ingredients must be listed in accordance to the proportion in which they are used. If there is any type of fat at the top of the list then be aware that this particular product is high in fats. If fat or oil is near the bottom of the list then the quantity is probably not worth worrying about.


How To Simplify Shopping for Low-Fat Foods?






How To Find The Best Weight Loss Program

You are looking for weight loss program? Here are few things to look for before you buy.

The program have to well balanced have to include diet, exercises and may be weight loss supplements if you want faster results. Another important thing is that the program has to be concerned about your health. Depending on your needs you should choose very carefully the cost of the program, because I’m sure you can find cheaper а program to start.

It will be good for you if there is module in the program where to ask questions and receive answers from professionals.

If they tell you that two different persons for the same time lost exactly the same weight you have to be very alert about this program.

The good weight loss program should be able to meet your individual needs.


Only cardio exercise will not do the trick!

A cardiovascular exercise alone will not achieve its goal necassarily increased metabolic rate and fat burning hormonal response.

You must have a training program that focuses on the work of your body with resistance training exercises and more sets with high intensity.

There are a lot more things...


How to lose body fat over the age of forty

Today we live longer, we work harder and of course we want to look good as long as possible. There are a lot of women that are over the age of forty and they want tolook sexy and healthy. We all can understand that because there are many famous women over 40 that are still among the most wanted women in the world– Julia Roberts, Demi Moore etc.

 Here are few simple tips for those women to feel sexier. You have to eat 5-6 small meals to increase your metabolism. Sweet foots and simple carbohydrates are not appropriate for your meals.

 Exercises – you have to do some light exercise, cardio exercises, brisk walking and even you can try Yoga or Pilates. The choice is yours; find what training program suits best for you. Make the exercises at least tree or four days a week for 30-40 minuets and you are ready for success.


Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Approaches

How to lose fat! Fasting Weight Loss

Weekly fasting as advocating by Eat Stop Eat was a great starting point for me to lose excess fat.  It’s flexible and really helps create an overall weekly caloric deficit.  Once I got really lean, I started to add in 18 hour daily fasts here and there to get more fat burning benefits.  I only do daily fasting for 3-4 weeks at a time though because of the temptation to overeat during the eating window.  At the end of the day, I’d recommend choosing whatever approach seems best suited for your lifestyle.  I think either will offer you significant fat burning benefits you won’t see from other diets.  So why not give one of these intermittent fasting weight loss approaches a try?

Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Approaches


Climb to the top! This can help you to lose fat

Climb to the top! This can help you to lose fat

High Protein Low in Saturated Extra Fat Food Plan

How to lose fat quickly! High Protein Low in Saturated Extra Fat Food Plan

Protein assists your physique construct muscles and drop the fat.

In the event you combine food plan with exercise, then this is a fantastic meal strategy for you personally. Just combine high protein meals for instance legumes, beans, tofu, lean meat and foods with minimal saturated extra fat content material and you’re great to go. Saturated extra fat is mostly contained in fried food items, dairy goods and others; they’re not simply processed from the body.


How to lose fat and gain muscles

How to lose fat and gain muscles

It won’t be easy. You know about the diets, without a diet there is no chance to lose fat. If you have enough time there is example for 5 day training.

 Monday – You have to train your chest

Thursday – Legs

Wednesday - Shoulders   

Thursday – The Back

Friday - Arms

 25% of your calories intake has to be from protein (eggs, meat etc.); 40% from carbs (most of them have to be fruits) and 35% from fibers (vegetables, fibrous fruits etc.).

 It won’t be fast but you can do it. Read information about how to lose fat regularly 

Diet Meal Delivery Programs

How to lose fat! Diet Meal Delivery Programs

Because of today's busy lifestyle, diet meal delivery programs are exploding in popularity. Being on a diet is hard enough, but often it takes lots of preparation to prepare and cook each meal required. For those who just don't have that kind of time, it can spell the end of the line for being successful on even the best diet plans.


Fortunately, there's a great alternative to having to do all the meal preparation yourself. Some of the best food diets online are those that offer diet meals delivered directly to your door. Delivered meals can free up your time so you can focus on other things. All you have to do is heat it up and then enjoy every delicious morsel.

Diet Meal Delivery




Get in shape now.

How to lose fat! Quick tip that everyone should know

People who are trying to lose weight should always stay away from junk food or the food that has fat in huge quantity like french fries, greasey burgers and fried chicken.Such food will hamper your efforts of losing body fat.

Stick to healthy and balanced diet, eat in small quantities and work out regularly. Playing games or dancing can also be a fun way to lose weight.

Lose weight and belly fat the correct way


Don’t lie yourself that you will lose weight just for few days.

Why Are Fad Diets So Popular?

With obesity expected to affect 50% of the population by 2050, the reign of ‘fad diets’ and ‘quick weight loss progammes’ has become more popular than ever before. From the cabbage soup dietto the Hollywood 24 to the 48 Hour Miracle diet, every single one of these dietary dietsall claim to quicken weight loss and increased rejuvenation.

Are they real?

Sometimes… Apart from helping you to witness quick weight loss, ninety percent of dieters have revealed small weight loss of just 1-2lbs before hitting a plateau.

More worryingly, once slimmers stopped following these fad diets they quickly regained all the weight they lost.

What are the long term complications of these fads?

Whilst fad diets can help dieters to witness immediate weight loss, many cannot be used for more than a week

Depriving your body of essential nutrients needed to ensure your organs is recieve the energy they need to work efficiently, many involve lowering your calorie consumption to less than 1,000 calories a day– more than half your allowance.

Accompanied by countless hours in the gym and unrelenting calorie counting, most of these diets run the risk of causing you to feel weak, fatigued, unable to focus and more worryingly prevent your body from working efficiently - All of which are dangerous for your health.

How can you recognize a fad diet?

Fad diets are quite easy to spot. Proclaiming to offer you a fast solution to your body concerns, you can easily recognize dietary fads by their:

•Too good to be true claims

•Minimal of clinical trials

•Elimination of one if not more of the five recommended food groups

•Recommendations from medical professionals without reviews from other researchers

When choosing a diet or slimming pill, it is always important to deeply analyze their studies first before incorporating them into your diet. If there is no proof that they can produce quality health benefits, then they are too good to be true.