With obesity expected to affect 50% of the population by 2050, the reign of ‘fad diets’ and ‘quick weight loss progammes’ has become more popular than ever before. From the cabbage soup dietto the
Are they real?
Sometimes… Apart from helping you to witness quick weight loss, ninety percent of dieters have revealed small weight loss of just 1-2lbs before hitting a plateau.
More worryingly, once slimmers stopped following these fad diets they quickly regained all the weight they lost.
What are the long term complications of these fads?
Whilst fad diets can help dieters to witness immediate weight loss, many cannot be used for more than a week
Depriving your body of essential nutrients needed to ensure your organs is recieve the energy they need to work efficiently, many involve lowering your calorie consumption to less than 1,000 calories a day– more than half your allowance.
Accompanied by countless hours in the gym and unrelenting calorie counting, most of these diets run the risk of causing you to feel weak, fatigued, unable to focus and more worryingly prevent your body from working efficiently - All of which are dangerous for your health.
How can you recognize a fad diet?
Fad diets are quite easy to spot. Proclaiming to offer you a fast solution to your body concerns, you can easily recognize dietary fads by their:
•Too good to be true claims
•Minimal of clinical trials
•Elimination of one if not more of the five recommended food groups
•Recommendations from medical professionals without reviews from other researchers
When choosing a diet or slimming pill, it is always important to deeply analyze their studies first before incorporating them into your diet. If there is no proof that they can produce quality health benefits, then they are too good to be true.